12. Inimese ja arvuti suhtlus, ergonoomika ja kasutatavus

In 2000-s only functionality of product was important. But today design is no less important aspect of any IT product. Today's rule of good design is "A product should be so easy to learn that even children can use it without problems" . Therefore, we can say that a product is good if it is intuitive and easy to use, and the design does not obstacles its use. Today, by these criteria, I will evaluate two different sites. Positive exmaple - YouTube The design of YouTube is very "wide", it occupies the entire screen of a computer (or any other device), which is a significant plus, since every centimeter of the page tries to provide maximum information. although the text is small and poorly readable on the sidebar, the icons responsible for the functionality carry all the necessary information. A huge plus is that neither the logo nor third-party features take up unnecessary visual space. The interface is small enough not to distract the user, but large enough to...